This year we have:
- completed Old Farm Track-Conversion to a downhill, bike only track including the construction of a new section of track between the lower end of Old Farm Track and Main Fire Trail, to separate riders from walkers. This is the first conversion of a track from shared use to bike only
- now constructing S56 - A shared use track connecting Wellington Park (Bracken Lane) with Ridgeway Park (via intersection of Huon and Chimney Pot Hill Roads)
- initiated the conversion of two tracks to shared use between Fern Tree and the Springs - this 6 month trial has now commenced. Bikes are now allowed to use these track sections resolving a current gap in the mountain bike network that now enables a continuous off-road bike route from Waterworks Reserve to The Springs allowing access to the North South Track all the way through to Glenorchy. This is a 6 month trial the Wellington Park Management Trust will monitor and review
- received a Green Army team to support Trackcare on the Slides project
- the Slides - connecting two popular riding areas of Knocklofty and South Hobart
- the Slides-Tip Top Connector-Connecting Tip Top with the Slides
- seeking funding for the planning and construction of a mountain bike only gravity track in Wellington Park (from Big Bend (on Pinnacle Road) to Junction Cabin)
- seeking funding for works on the Pipeline Track, including new wider cycle friendly bridges
- greater collaboration in the management of land owned by Cascade Brewery, including existing tracks on that land
Source: Lisa Cawthen, Bushcare Coordinator, City of Hobart, email 23 December 2015.