Sustainable Timbers Tasmania released their "Derby Concept Plan" for community consultation in January 2022.
According to the STT website, the Derby Concept Plan was developed in partnership with the Dorset Council and Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service and is the precursor to a long term Derby Precinct Masterplan that is currently being developed for release early to mid 2022.
The basics of the plan are that for the areas managed by STT (remembering that trails were built on their land), any harvesting plans would incorporate a 50 metre trail protection buffer. If harvesting occurs in neighbouring production forest, management actions will be implemented so that forest operations will not impact the trails or the Precinct, and the rider experience will be maintained.
The report then goes on to talk about two coupes that were about to be logged, where an average forest separation zone of between 70 and 90 metres was maintained and harvesting scheduled to take place outside the peak holiday season.
Everyone will have their own take on this, and I am personally torn both ways, but for those who are interested the plan is below and you can form your own view.